I was watching TV late last night, and one of those workout equipment ads came on.
You know the kind. They have the fitness model raving about how they managed to lose 100 pounds by just doing this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day.
This one in particular spoke about belly fat, and how you could target the belly fat and basically eliminate it in 5 minutes a day for a month.
Immediately, a scam alert went off in my brain.
After all, it's widely accepted that spot reduction is a myth, that it is impossible to target any area of the body for weight loss.
There are still a few experts who claim spot reduction is legit, but the vast majority disagrees.
But then I thought about it and did a little research.
Regardless of who is right, there is definitely steps you can take to limit the fat gain around the belly area, while at the same time losing fat all over.
So, here are my 5 tips to keep belly fat off.
1. Chill out. Recent studies have shown that stress leads to belly fat. Of course this isn't caused by the stress itself, but by the cortisol released due to the stress. A great way to reduce stress, which also happens to be my number 2 tip, is to get more sleep.
2. Sleep more. Research suggests that a lack of sleep leads to
weight gain, increased junk food cravings, depression, and stress. So by sleeping for a few extra hours, you get all of those benefits and lose belly fat, and keep it from returning.
3. Drink more water. I've said this a few times, but drinking more water is super important for weight loss. It boosts metabolism, reduces hunger, and flushes out toxins and waste. 8 glasses a day is a good target.
4. Limit or eliminate sugar. When you eat too much sugar, it gets stored as fat. Not only that, excess sugar can also lead to diabetes and other health issues.
5. Exercise. Short bursts of cardio, or HIIT, do wonders for fat loss. Increased metabolism days after the exercise means you will be shedding the pounds well after your workout is over.
Those are just a few tips that you can implement immediately and start to see results.
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