Some of my favorite clients have been burnt out moms and busy businesswomen who still made time to exercise
but weren't getting any results. The scale wasn't budging, their pants were still tight, and none of the body parts seemed to be tightening up.
In fact, I still remember one conversation I had with my number one client of all time, Annie, a mom who did lots of cardio and light weights before she came to train with me.
After one of our first sessions, we sat down at the Starbucks across the street from the gym on a beautiful spring morning, her with a coffee and me with a Green Tea, and I shared with her the 5 secrets to burning stubborn female fat and losing inches from her tummy and thighs.
Annie couldn't believe that there was any "secrets" about burning fat. She'd been reading all the workout magazines and talked to all her running gal pals about losing weight, and they all said the same thing - Do more cardio and eat less fat. So Annie was calling me out, and saying I wouldn't be able to tell her anything she didn't know.
Of course, she didn't realize who she was talking to.
So I told her straight up, depending on cardio only to lose inches is a dead- end game. It just won't happen. And then I let her in on my 5 secrets.
You ready?
Secret #1 - Use Interval Training, Not Cardio
At the time of our discussion, the Australian research study showing interval training to be more effective than cardio for fat loss in women had not yet been published. However, I knew from another study (from back in the 1990's) and from experience that nothing beats interval training for maximum results in minimum time.
Annie was skeptical. She had been doing cardio for years, and at first she lost some weight, but then she hit a plateau.
Her assumption was that she simply needed to do more. But she was already running 4 hours per week. Where was there time to do more?
So I turned her on to Interval Training.
And that was the start of her love affair with short burst exercise. Within weeks her arms were sculpted, just in time for a party where she wore a sleeveless dress. She came in on Monday morning after the party weekend and told me that all the women were talking about her and her arms! All thanks to interval training, and this next little secret...
Secret #2 - Nutrition is the #1 Factor for Fat Loss
Annie liked Starbucks, not only for the coffee, but for the carbohydrates they had behind the counter. But once I told her how many calories and sugar were in those snacks, she knew she was in trouble.
"But Craig," she said in her sweet Southern drawl (she was originally from down south but moved to Toronto with her family), "I need a lot of carbohydrates for my running."
A classic excuse!
Now I can't be too hard on Annie, because ALL runners love to use running to justify their excessive sugar, carbohydrate, and calorie intake. But that doesn't help you lose inches. In fact, all these carbohydrates and extra calories are keeping the inches glued to your waist, hips, and thighs.
The fastest way to get them off is to limit your carbohydrate intake to almost entirely fruits and vegetables, and to eliminate processed carbohydrates from a bag or a box.
If you want more fat burning carbohydrate ideas, you'll be thrilled with Dr. Chris Mohr's safe, effective Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines.
So addressing Annie's "cardio and diet" issues were two of the biggest factors in getting her inches off, but the next tip was the real key behind her sculpted arms.
Secret #3 - Use Bodyweight Exercise to Boost Metabolism and Sculpt Your Body
Before Annie came to me, she was doing light dumbbell exercises, but none of her efforts were making an impact on her body. It was a waste of her time.
Until I showed her the power of bodyweight exercises. And not just the same old, same old, either. I showed her dozens of different pushups, total body ab exercises, and leg sculpting moves that she had never tried before. And even though we worked out at a gym, she could have done all of these workouts at home.
And thanks to her ability to do 15 close grip pushups, she was the one turning heads in her sleeveless dress at that party. But I bet you want to know more about the total body ab exercises I just mentioned. Annie sure did when I first mentioned them.
Secret #4 - Crunches Are Useless - But Total Body Ab Exercises Work!
At the end of our first workout, Annie was experiencing simultaneous fatigue and exhilaration. She'd never performed over half of the exercises in her workout before, and she loved that no little pink dumbbells were involved.
And as we moved into the abdominal exercise portion, she looked at me as if I had two heads while I rhymed off some of our options.
Mountain Climbers, Spiderman Climbs, Stability Ball Jackknives, Side Planks, Cross-Body Mountain Climbers, Chops, and Stability Ball Rollouts were all knew to her. And knew to her abs too! And that's why she made so much progress.
No more 500-crunch workouts for Annie. Instead, she would get more results in much less time, and with less than 50 repetitions of her new total body ab exercises.
Secret #5 - When You Use Weights, Do Less Reps
I get really fired up about this one, as Annie would agree from first hand experience. As we sat on the patio at that Starbucks, well after we finished our drinks, I was still quoting research studies and success stories to her, telling her why it's a downright shame that women have been mislead about how to do strength training.
For decades, women were told to use light weights and high reps to tone their muscles. But do you know anyone who has had success with that? And none of the women I've trained ever had a trainer show them how to do pushups or chinups. It was so sad that they had wasted thousands of dollars on trainers who did not respect their physical ability.
Ooops, I told you this gets me fired up. So I convinced Annie that in future sessions we'd use dumbbells, and do only 8 reps per set to get the biggest metabolism boost in the least amount of time. And that's what we did. In fact, she eventually worked up to 35 pound dumbbells in the dumbbell chest press exercise, and still had TINY, TONED arms.
No woman gets big and bulky on bodyweight exercises and a few dumbell exercises. Not if she follows my 5 secrets.
Strength and interval workouts are based on proven scientific methods for burning belly fat and increasing your metabolism, PLUS...the strength and interval workouts have been used by thousands of women.
So use bodyweight strength and interval workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home to burn stubborn female body fat.
Get your FREE sample fat burning workouts and lose that stubborn female fat for good!
For help, ask your diet and exercise questions on this fat loss forum.
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For help, ask your diet and exercise questions on this fat loss forum.
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