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How to Train Your Brain For Weight Loss

 How to Train Your Brain For Weight Loss
Losing weight and succeeding with your plans takes more than just words. You can say you want to be 100lbs lighter but you have to believe it in your own mind for it to happen. You will never reach your weight loss goals if your brain isn't on your side. That is why you need to harness the power of the brain and train it for weight loss. There are a number of steps you can take to do this.

Step one: Identify the difference between hunger and cravings - and learn to tolerate it. This is all about perception. The world is set up to trick your brain - take the supermarket for example. It places fresh bread at the front of the store so all of those delicious smells are the first thing you register and you have to pass by them to get to other parts of the store. You walk in the door and instantly you start to crave bread. Before you know it your basket is full. You may not have even thought about buying bread when you set out to the store but your brain was fooled into thinking you were hungry and you wanted it. How many times have you seen an advert for a certain type of food and then found yourself craving it? This is why you put on weight - cravings are a product of society. When you can realize this, your brain will learn that cravings are a false hunger. Ignore the craving and only eat when you truly need to - not when you are prompted to eat by outside forces.

Step two: monitor your behavior. Keep a note of your eating habits and also how you are feeling at the time. Notice any patterns that emerge. For instance, you may see that you are upset, coinciding with a habit of eating ice cream. Learn to recognize when you are eating due to emotions rather than hunger and cut it this bad habit out of your life.

Step three: you need to be motivated if you are to train your brain for weight loss. Every morning when you look in the mirror, remind yourself why you are on this weight loss journey. Visualize how you will look when you have reached your goal. Keep this motivation in mind during the day.

Step four: have a positive self image. Being positive about your abilities will help your brain to keep the focus on success. Know that you can achieve your goals and tell yourself every day that you will succeed. We can all be successful if we only realize the importance of self belief and visualization.

Step five: overcome any feelings of helplessness. You must take control of your life and your mind. Push negative thoughts to the back of your mind and let them be washed over by the power of positive thinking.

Kevin Graham serves as the Managing Director at Empower Me Photo. Empower Me Photo provides tools to help those seeking to stay on their diet or exercise program over the long run - by showing how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight. You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired, motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run.

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